stalking online?

One thing that I find interesting is using the cover of the internet to try on different personalities. Or perhaps different aspects of my own personality.

Who says we need to be “ourselves” online (or otherwise)? In my experience, online forums have given me a chance to try on different masks and play with different feelings.

It’s fun to sometimes be young, old, male, female, asshole, nice guy, fat headed idiot, and arrogant know-it-all.

For me it seems to have useful possibilities as a training ground before heading for the real thing. Out there.

5 Commentsto stalking online?

  1. Merged dice:

    Interesting. Is this your site? the interviews you have compiled especially the last one with the instructors of tensegrity was really inspiring…

  2. ensonar dice:

    Yes, i’m the one who put this site together (what there is of it). I’m planning to make it more visually appealing in the near future. However, for what it’s worth, I don’t take ownership of anything. I’m just trying to bring together all of the information I can find on a subject that i find truly amazing.

    And yes, those interviews are filled with incredible insights and information!

  3. admin dice:

    Call Ruben or me if u need help.

    – Alfonso

  4. Merged dice:

    I used to do that by moving from city to city every 3 or 4 months. It worked wonders – I found that “I” was actually completely programmable, actually just a collection of programs.

    The mind beyond identities is what we’re stalking here. You could say the I that includes all identities as well.

    Where are all these different identities? Which one doesn’t change?

  5. DrakeWan dice:

    I’ve done a similar thing.. since I was 15… I tore myself away from comfort and ventured on my own, half way across the country… and immersed myself in other awareness’ of myself…. (Canada btw)