Hey everyone

Wanted to introduce my self. Had a supernatural break with reality a while back. From that point on I have continued to live in my own altered state, with much concern from some individuals that found me. I can offer my view on different things please ask friend, it may not be right, but it is a new view. My intent has and always will be good, and that is why I am what I am, a good person.


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One Commentto Hey everyone

  1. ensonar dice:

    Hello good person!

    What is this supernatural break with reality that you mention? I too am always seeking to alter my consciousness in one way or another.

    Dali spoke of “critical paranoia”. He tried to intentionally creating a state of paranoia, or insanity within himself in order to be able to study it and use his experiences for creative inspiration. Perhaps he went a bit too mad, or perhaps he was a little too concerned with his ego fantasies. And he definitely seemed to be too afraid of death. But I think his concept was still valid.

    I’ve used drugs in the past to alter my view of the world, and of course this works, but it is too fleeting, too damaging to the body, to be of any long term use. Other ways that I feel work much better and reach much greater depths are using music and art to reach other states of consciousness, and of course stalking. But I’m sure everyone has their own personal preferences. What are yours?

    Nice to meet you.