
I would like to share my admiration for those of you who have not indulged in pointing out how frequently I post, and how this is yet another sign of how I’m not a warrior. If you’ve truly gotten over these measurements, it is a sign of how well you’re doing. 😆

Sincerely though. It’s no small accomplishment.

All measurements are personal and arbitrary, as they assume oneself to be the the ideal instead of just another description. In other words, the only measure one can make starts from oneself, one’s ideas, concepts, beliefs, opinions, knowledge.
If you don’t possess ALL knowledge, your measure is partial, personal and arbitrary.
Even if you think you’re measuring someone against the warrior’s way, you can’t do this! If you are not the complete warrior, your measure will be partial and incomplete.

As a warrior, one can never know enough of the totality to make a conclusion about anything or anyone. This is not a warrior’s concern. Hopefully, you’ve dropped this as well.

You can make false measurements and think that you know something; or you can revel in the mystery and assume your place in it, as it. (as DJ said)

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2 Commentsto kudos

  1. ensonar dice:

    I’d just like to say that I’m enjoying your posts more all the time, and the responses that they generate. Please continue.

  2. true dice:

    Thanks Ensonar.

    I really can’t tell you how much that means to me.


    I hate when I have to explain my own humor, but I’d hate more for someone (not Ensonar particularly, just anyone reading this) to miss it.

    I wrote that because on the one hand, the personal one, I do appreciate that, and a person says the above when they can’t express how much it means.

    On the other hand, the stalking one, I really can’t tell you, because I don’t know what it means, and therefore it doesn’t mean anything.

    And I thought that was funny.