Porno Maestra despedida


Fri Nov 23, 10:29 AM ET

ROME (Reuters) – An Italian teacher has been suspended from school because of her extra-curricular activities as a porn star, local authorities announced Thursday.


The out-of-hours behavior of Anna Ciriani, who calls herself “Madameweb” in hard-core videos on the Internet and at erotic shows, was “not compatible with educational activity,” the head of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia education authority said.

Ciriani, dubbed the “porno-prof” by Italy’s main newspapers, said she never let her hobby get in the way of her teaching.

“My behavior at school has always been professional and irreproachable,” she was quoted as saying by the AGI agency.

“I am a normal woman, with my family and my work as a teacher. I am (also) looking for transgression and sex.”

Five years ago Ciriani was transferred from her post as teacher of Italian literature in a secondary school in the north-eastern town of Pordenone after students covered the toilets with nude photos of her downloaded from the Internet.

Since then she has been giving evening classes to foreign adult students in a nearby town.

Madameweb’s popularity surged after a video of her shot at the Venus erotica festival in Berlin last month attracted a wide Internet following, prompting the authorities to suspend her from teaching altogether.

(Reporting by Gavin Jones)

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3 Commentsto Porno Maestra despedida

  1. Banned Chipola dice:

    Lastima de doble profesion.

  2. Lux dice:

    …en una serie que se llama boston public, sacaban un caso así… pero como era cuento tuvo final feliz, la persona se dedicaba a dar clases y dejaba en su pasado su otra profesión =P

  3. Dark Crow dice:

    Comente que a una chica en la guardia municipal la aceptaron hace un año inmediatamente sin pruebas ni examenes cuando se enteraron que fue teibolera?.

    Aqui fue al revez, causal de contratarla. Pero bueno, que se puede esperar de un lugar donde los directores le piden al supervisor de calidad y proyectos que haga las entrevistas y el hace las contrataciones de acuerdo al volumen pectoral y la volumen de cadera y no a la cantidad de masa encefalica a excepcion de quienes utilicen esa masa encefalica para lambizconear.