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Something I have always been interested in are Not-Doings. Carlos and others have mentioned a few specific examples of not-doings in their books and lectures. Things such as tying your shoes from the opposite direction, walking backwards, acting like a barking dog when someone knocks at your door, or acting like an answering machine when someone calls you.

I believe some not doings can be for specific purposes such as la Gorda stuffing a sponge in her mouth to avoid eating. Also in the Eagle’s Gift, Carlos mentions that Silvio Manuel gave him some not-doings that involved being buried and harnessed. And others can be for no other purpose than to create cognative dissonance, such as don Juan having Carlos draw concentric circles in the dirt circling his house.

I know that not-doings generally can be of a very personal nature. But I’d really like to know if anyone out there would feel like mentioning some not-doings that they’ve come accross that may be of interest to others.

stalking online?

One thing that I find interesting is using the cover of the internet to try on different personalities. Or perhaps different aspects of my own personality.

Who says we need to be “ourselves” online (or otherwise)? In my experience, online forums have given me a chance to try on different masks and play with different feelings.

It’s fun to sometimes be young, old, male, female, asshole, nice guy, fat headed idiot, and arrogant know-it-all.

For me it seems to have useful possibilities as a training ground before heading for the real thing. Out there.



this is a brand new forum dedicated to discussing the works of carlos castaneda and shamanism, as well as anything you feel is related.

my hope is that those with questions might find some useful advice. and those with experience may find others to talk to about these experiences.

as i mentioned, this website is brand new, and there will be changes coming. if you have any comments or suggestions about things you’d like to be included here, or if you have any questions, just let us know.

thank you