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Dreaming with Ron Jeremy’s dick


Sorry. Just humor. No post.

Would be a good story though!

Moderator, feel free to 86 this thread.

Forgive me.

I’ve resisted posting here for a while, but I can’t refrain.
I’ll try not to be too invasive.

I have done some recapitulating, so I’m not just dismissing it with my mind.
I’m not dismissing it at all. It works.

But I have to say that all these memories belong to a “me” which is a nice story, but fiction nonetheless.

You can recapitulate for a lifetime, or you can drop the “me” as identity in an instant.

Okay… enough said.
I’ll creep away now.
Please continue.

what is religion?

I noticed this in the main screen and, well, of course my commentary kicked in.
Here’s the internal discussion externalized, if anyone’s interested…
or bored and nothing better to do. 😆

“This website is no way trying to treat “Nagualism” as a religion, nor a cult.”

This is easier said than done.
If we look (just looking) at what a religion is, it’s basically a collection of beliefs.
Various religions, and various denominations within religions, arise due to various beliefs.

So to say that we can approach CC’s works without beliefs or without creating new beliefs that are opposed to other beliefs, just like any religion does… Well, it’d be nice if it was that way. But it’s not. Perhaps it’s intended to be.

Anyway, I could just be nit-picking with words, but I also don’t think “Castaneda-ism” is any different or special when compared to any other religion. Everyone has their version of freedom, no matter how obscene. Many so-called religions, when done correctly, transcend the religious structure and code of morals, etc.

And nit-picking with words isn’t such a bad thing. They often do create the structure of our intent. The more awareness we put into them, the more aware is our intent.

discussion with Ensonar

Wow! Flood control. Now that’s necessary! All the hundreds of posts coming in at once! 😆

Okay, a short, concise discussion.
Two things come to mind:

1. I wanted to point out that if something or someone or someone’s actions, etc, seem familiar to you, perhaps it is because you are occupying a familiar AP position. It is unwarrior-like conduct to lay blame at others feet. By labelling someone or something… labels like “old” and “new”, or “teacher”, or “too bookish”, or any such label… you are in essence blaming them for your perception… that is, acting as if you perceive truly and clearly and actually, instead of the reality that you are perceiving your own thought projections, ie. self-reflection.

2. As moderator, is that something that you take sincerely, or is it just fallen to you as the creator of this web page? I ask because it’s a big responsibility. As moderator, you have to be the picture of moderation. I see labels as preventing you from fulfilling such a task. Labels are not moderate. They are commitments, even if you cover your ass by saying you’re not 100% sure. What is the purpose in posting speculations? There are many things about moderation I could point out.

So this doesn’t have to be a discussion. I just felt obligated to point them out. Maybe I’m trying to see if you’re sincere. Maybe I want to see if I can expose the excuses you give yourself with labels, what will you do? What will fill that hole?

Oh, here’s another one: a warrior doesn’t have the luxury of choice. If you engage someone, by labelling them, you don’t get to excuse yourself because their response is too long, and (again) blame them for your clinging to concepts. You commit yourself when you label someone. And if my post to you gets “miles” long, perhaps it’s because there’s so much shit I’m trying to point out. Drop the crap and my posts will become shorter. I promise. But if you could drop the shit, it probably wouldn’t be there to be pointed at.

Here are just three things. I could go on, but I’ve already snuck the third in and am risking lengthiness.

The mystery and mastery of awareness

This post will explain the mystery of awareness. But it will probably be lengthy.

If you want to live in the mystery, you have to be a mystery yourself. And that’s actually quite easy. The mystery of you is that you are aware; you are conscious and consciousness, and all is consciousness, so the mystery is always right where you are.

Isn’t it a wonder that you can look at these letters, that are just symbols, just lines and curves thrown together, and yet you are able to find meaning in them and able to communicate back? And as you type your fingers naturally drift to the appropriate symbol-letter to express the thoughts arising in the mind. How does it do that? Isn’t it a wonder? You couldn’t do these these when you were born, and it took a couple years or more of practice and repetition to be able to master reading, writing and typing. And now it happens almost automatically.

That is the mystery and mastery of awareness. What you’ve forgotten is that these lines and curves that form letter-symbols have ABSOLUTELY NO MEANING IN AND OF THEMSELVES. They mean something because we’ve LEARNED to give them meaning. We’ve done so through AGREEMENT. If we didn’t follow the same program, if we didn’t agree that c-a-t spells cat. Then we couldn’t be doing this right now. Instead we’d be doing this:


Do you know what that says? What it means? Me neither. But that’s only because we HAVEN’T AGREED TO GIVE IT A MEANING. Right now it’s gibberish. But you must remember that everything is gibberish. We’ve given meaning to some gibberish, and other gibberish has no agreed meaning yet.

If you don’t see the mystery in that, you’re going to miss the whole crux of sorcery. Because the entire world is the same gibberish that we’ve agreed to give meaning to. Let me emphasize this first with other examples in communicating before moving on. If you look closely under a microscope at newsprint or a book, you’ll see that each individual letter is made up of a bunch of dots. All these dots thrown together in such a way, really unrelated, but we intend the relation and give them meaning. Or Braille (reading for the blind)… it’s just bumps, but you can learn the system and agree that such and such bumps means this and such and such bumps means that. Without the agreement, they’re just bumps. But we’ve also even agreed to call them bumps… THEY’RE NOT BUMPS! We’ve just agreed to call them that. When we talk, our languages are just noises… but we’ve learned, been programmed, to give them meaning. It’s just noise. It’s actually chaos! But we’ve AGREED to see order in it. But there isn’t any. All is still chaos! Mystery!

So this applies to EVERYTHING. Not just communicating with others. We’ve agreed to call barky, branchy, leafy, rising from the soil towards the sky objects, TREES. And I’m not just saying that the mystery is that we’ve named things. I’m saying that we’ve agreed to recognize them as the complex things instead of their elements. And that sorcery, the mastery of awareness, is to learn to unrecognize them, to return order to chaos and then re-order it into whatever order you see fit.

YES, this has all been said by CC. I’m not trying to be original or claim anything. I’m just saying it again with many examples so that it hopefully impacts you.



What does that mean? It means that 99% of what we CALL reality can be manipulated, BECAUSE IT IS PERSONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND NOT ACTUAL. It is learned agreements! Descriptions. Descriptions that could be described differently AND GIVEN THE SAME AMOUNT OF BELIEF AS FORMERLY, AND THAT NEW REALITY WILL BE JUST AS REAL AS THE OLD ONE. But we don’t call that believing anymore. Belief is ignorant. Intentional belief is INTENT.

Example: Pain is a real element in this world. But ACTUAL pain is made far “worse” by ADDING PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN TO IT. Psychological pain is wanting the pain not to be there when IT IS… wondering why this pain is happening TO ME, poor me, self-pity, etc… All psychological pain can be dropped.


So you still think you’re not free? You’ve agreed to a description of not being free. You’re here, as infinity, but you’ve agreed to divide infinity and condition the unconditional, and see a non-existant order in this chaos and name it “NOT FREE”. There are a lot of groups, religions etc, that each have their own unique version, there own set of rules and requirements to “reach” freedom/salvation/redemption… whatever they call it. As long as you’re a member of that group, you AGREE to those terms, and you struggle to ATTAIN freedom. A freedom that ALREADY IS, save your blinded by your adherance to a description that says “it is not”.
That goes for Castaneda’s descriptions too, people. Wake up. This should hit you like a wall. What a wonder! What endless potential you are, if you unlearn your agreements.

alternate path to heightened awareness

This post is a comparison of CC’s heightened awareness and second attention with Gurdjieff’s self-remembering. I can’t say for certain if they are the same, but they certainly share some characteristic traits. Let me know what you think, but do try the exercise for self-remembering first. I’m not as interested in mental speculations (but if you see some obvious discrepency, feel free to point it out). Otherwise, if you have some familiarity with both s-r and h.a., let me know what your experience is.

For one, both entail a loss of ‘normal’ memory.
Two – both achieve a lucidity of sorts.
Three is somewhat speculative. I don’t recall if CC explained why the first att is called the first and the second att is called the second… the first attention is not the first attention that we encounter in our lives. When we are born, we still remain undomesticated and non-language-minded (?), we don’t talk to ourselves and we haven’t yet formulated an “I” as a doer. The first attention that we encounter is the second attention. Of course this assumes birth as a beginning point, which is relative.
Anyway, I had my own idea why they could be called the first and second. In Gurdjieff’s teachings (and in advaita/non-duality) our “ordinary” attention encompasses, or is aware of, only one point at a time. For example, if we are having a conversation with someone (in the first att) our attention becomes absorbed in either what they (the object) are saying or we get absorbed in our own heads, our own internal world of thoughts/mind (as the pseudo-subject).

hi-tech schematics: 😉

self ————> other


self <------------ other The arrow represents the direction of the self's attention. In self-remembering an effort is made to maintain a portion of attention towards self (mainly through awareness of sensory perceptions - that it is you who are seeing, hearing, touching… incorporate smell and taste later when you become more adept at it… basically remain aware that “I am” or “I am present as this body”) while directing a portion towards the other (that which you are looking at and listening to – the external world, your environment). In this way the arrow of attention is directed to two different points simultaneously:

self <------------> other

Try it while reading the above again – read the words while simultaneously being aware that “I am”. Feel your feet on the floor, your hands against whatever they are placed on, hear the hum of the computer and whatever other sounds may be present, feel any tension in your body… get grounded IN your body… and remain so as you read these words.

Once you finish reading, you may pop back into uni-directional attention, and you may notice you don’t quite remember what you just read, because you read it with your intuitive level engaged as well as your intellect. This is something like what CC describes as his experience in heightened awareness. But this is a small taste, a beginning. In true self-remembering, you’ll forget yourself totally. You’ll be splitting your attention towards self and other simultaneously, as you’ve practiced many times before, and then suddenly… you’ll become aware that you are neither the first or second point, but a third point witnessing the other two. That will be the true self-remembering.
Try it while taking a walk. If you’re successful, you’ll find yourself “coming to” or “waking up” back into “ordinary” awareness and you won’t remember how you got there; that is, you won’t recall the walking in time and distance from the moment you enter self-remembering to the moment you pop out of it. Very disorienting for the identity!
As far as I’m aware, there is still something watching out for my body or looking over it, taking care of it. But you may not want to take this walk near traffic for the first few times, until you feel safe with it.

So maybe this is why its first attention (one direction of attention) and second attention (two directions). Maybe not. It’s still fun. Ultimately, we probably can’t say if it’s CC’s heightened awareness unless we’ve been slapped on the A.P. by a nagual. But, like I said, there are definite common characteristics. So you might want to incorporate self-remembering into your practices. But know beforehand, as with all warrior-seer techniques, this will bring your world down. Expect that your personal identity will crumble the more you enter any attention other than the one-directional, absorbed, “identified” attention.

A verbal expression of … awakening

Hsin Hsin Ming:

A Verbal Expression of the Direct Experience of Awakening

The Perfect Way is not so difficult if you have no preferences.
Once you stop loving this and hating that, it becomes clear with no disguises.

But make just the smallest distinction between one thing and the other and you create infinite separation. So if you want to live in truth, then do not have any opinions for or against anything.

Setting your likes against your dislikes is the disease of the mind.
If you do not know the deeper meaning of the Way, your peace of mind is needlessly disturbed.

Though the Way is as perfect as the vastness of space, where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess, it is your choosing to accept and reject things that prevent you from seeing the true nature of life.

Do not live seeking answers from the external world or by sinking into your inner feelings of emptiness.
Just calmly and impartially see, feel, hear, taste, the oneness of things and duality will disappear into itself.

When you strive to create stillness by stopping the mindââ?¬â?¢s natural activity, the resulting quiet is itself active and in motion. As long as you remain attached to one or the other of these extremes you can never realize that which is “not two.”

And when you do not understand this you fail in two ways. By denying the reality you insist upon its very existence and by insisting upon the emptiness you are denying its reality.

The more that you talk and think about Liberation the further away you wander from the truth. Stop this attachment to all speech and thought about being Awake and you will soon find it everywhere.

Go within to your source and you will find meaning but if you look outside of yourself all meaning will be lost. To be Liberated for just a moment is to transcend the appearance and emptiness in the world.

Do not search for new truths – just stop all attachment to your beliefs and judgments. Be ever vigilant of all dualities while you carefully avoid the pursuit of new ones.

If there is even a trace of this or that, of right or wrong, you will be left in confusion.
Although all duality comes from that which is “not two”, do not be concerned even with this “One Without a Second.”

Have no objections to or blame for anything in the world and your life will flow in front of you.
And when your discriminating thoughts no longer exist, your mind as you knew it, will no longer exist.

You (as the subject) believe in your separate existence because of external things seen as objects.
Yet neither the inner subject nor external object can exist without each other.

Understand the relativity of you and the other and you understand the basic reality – that which is “Not Two”. In this reality you cannot tell one from the other as each contains the whole world within.

Do not discriminate between what is coarse and what is fine and you will not be for or against anything.
Living in the Great Way is your nature. Neither easy nor difficult – it simply Is.

Relying on your limited views creates fear and indecisiveness – the faster you hurry, the slower you go.
You cannot pick and choose your attachments. Even attachment to the idea of Liberation points away from the truth.

Let things be as they are, accept life as it is, in this way there is neither expectation nor disbelief.
See the flow inherent in life and move effortlessly with it and you will live freely and undisturbed.

When your thoughts are in bondage the truth is always hidden behind the cloudy and unclear mind.
And the disturbing practice of judging yourself and the other only leaves you empty and weary inside.
No benefits can ever be gained from constant judgments and separations.

To live freely in Non-duality is to accept everything as indistinguishable, even the world of senses and ideas. To accept everything completely, totally is identical with true Liberation.

The wise man makes no efforts to do anything, but the foolish man binds himself in nothing but doing.
There is only one truth, One Taste – not many; your separation originates from attachments and judgments.

To seek the no-mind of Liberation with the mind of identity is the greatest of all mistakes.
Opposites originate as illusions from within your mind; with Liberation there are no opposites – no liking of this or disliking of that.

All forms of duality come from the illusory boundaries created within your mind.
They are like dreams, hallucinations, phantoms in the air and it is foolish to try to hold onto them.
Gain and loss, right and wrong, you must eliminate these thoughts now, once and for all.

If you never sleep, there will be no dreaming and all your dreams will naturally come to an end.
In the same way, if your mind creates no distinctions then all things are seen as they are, One Fundamental Reality.

If you understand the mystery of that which is “not two” you will be released from all bondage.
When you are able to see all things as equal, without distinction, you have reached your true identity.

No comparisons or analogies are possible in this causeless, relation-less state.
Think carefully about the motion that exists in stillness and the stillness that exists in motion, both movement and stillness disappear.

When these dualities no longer exist, Advaita itself cannot exist.
And in the Absolute, this end of everything separate, there are no rules, no laws, and no descriptions.

Only here and now can all your struggles be stilled, your doubts and indecisiveness disappeared and an Liberated life becomes possible. And in each moment, you are free from your bondage, you are attached to nothing and nothing clings to you. All becomes clear, empty, and self-illuminating without any effort from your mind.

When doubts come up, just say “not two” and you will flow directly into harmony with this reality.
In this “not two” you and everything are no longer separate, you and everything are no longer excluded.
No matter when and no matter where, Liberation means entering this truth.
And in this truth there is no time, no space, no differentiation; a single moment is infinite.

There is emptiness within you and emptiness outside you and still the universe is always right in front of you. When your personal definitions and self-constructed boundaries disappear the universe is both infinitely large and infinitely small ~ there is no difference.

It is also this way with Being and non-being.
Do not waste any time wallowing in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this reality.

Everything is the One, and the One is in everything; no boundaries except those created by your mind.
If you can realize just this, you will no longer worry about your and the worlds non-perfection.

To live with this conviction is the way to non-duality, because the non-dual is already unified with the mind that trusts in the Way.

The Way is beyond all language, because within the Way there is no past, no
future and no present.


Death is not an event that exists in some future.
Death is a warrior’s constant companion.
Death is Carlos taking notes.
That may sound poetic, but it’s a fact that happens to sound poetic.

It isn’t Life then Death.
It’s Life/Death – an inseperable pair.
Life springs from its source: Death.
Death springs from its source: Life.

Love it, hate it, respect it, fear it… it doesn’t matter.
Nothing you do can change it, alter it, avoid it, or attract it.
It is all there is.
You can’t exist outside of it in order to affect it in any way.


My intro is a little late. I didn’t want to say anything about myself, but then I thought it might help to find people with common interests.
So I’ve studied just about everything and like to find the common threads between various practices. I’m familiar with teachings from Castaneda, Gurdjieff, J. Krishnamurti, Osho, Eckhart Tolle, the traditions of Zen, Advaita, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Taoism, Western Magick, Sacred Geometry and Stoicism.
After much reading and acquiring knowledge I finally understood that knowledge is a hindrance and not a solution. By living in a state of not-knowing one finds the present to be quite extraordinary, wondrous, even miraculous. As DJ says, “When you see there are no longer familiar features in the world. Everything is new. Everything has never happened before. When you see and gaze at something it becomes nothing, and yet it is still there.” Well, I’ve gazed at myself and realised that I’m nothing too. And I’m still here. And I still read. I’m currently enjoying various speakers on non-duality: Steve Harrison, Jeff Foster, Ramana Maharshi and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Castaneda’s teachings have been at my core all this time, and when I came across non-duaity I noticed the similarities with seeing, the second attention and the unknowable. So I’m refreshing myself with CC’s writings with this new awareness that the “I” doesn’t have any inherent existence or substance other than thought, and so it seems to cut through much of the exercises and efforts and disciplines to control the self or self-importance when you realise there is no self and nothing is important. To quote DJ again, “When a man learns to see, he realises that he can no longer think about the things he looks at, and thus everything becomes unimportant. All things are equal and thus unimportant.”

So there’s my story.
Oh, and I chose the name true with the intention of meaning sincerity, and not anything self-important as in right and wrong, true and false, etc.

See you around.

sorcery vs. seeing

I began re-reading CC’s books with an intention to notice any similarities with non-duality, and I came across something I’d overlooked before, or at least it didn’t have an impact on me (i.e. I didn’t have enough personal power to utilize it then).

DJ specifically says that seeing is contrary to sorcery, and that all the instructions for living as a warrior are only for those who don’t see.

Here are some quotes from A Seperate Reality (these may not be word-for-word, I’m taking them from my notes):

“If a man sees, he doesn’t have to live like a warrior, or live like anything else, for he can see things as they really are and direct his life accordingly.”

After a lengthy description of a warrior developing awareness of death, detachment, mastering the power of decisions, coming to patience and then waiting for one’s will, he says:
“A man can go further than will. A man can see. And seeing, he no longer needs to live like a warrior or be a sorcerer. By seeing, he becomes everything by becoming nothing. He vanishes and yet he is there. He can be or get anything he desires, but he desires nothing, and instead of playing with his fellow men like toys, he meets them in the midst of their folly. The only difference is a man who sees controls his folly while his fellow men can’t.”

“Seeing is contrary to sorcery. Seeing makes one realise the unimportance of it all.”

He also says that seeing is an independant entity from sorcery. There are sorcerers who never learn to see but who manipulate reality quite well. And there are seers not interested in manipulating anything (which sounds like non-duality to me).

That was the one biting question for me after getting acquainted with non-duality…
They say, and I have seen, that there is no “I” who does anything… that the “I” is an object and can’t be a doer, that it is being done. That there is no choice or free will…
I could see this, but then I also know that I have used my will and manipulated reality. One specific example of when I’ve done this is in raising the kundalini serpent. I visualised it coiled at the first chakra and watched and intended it to rise through my other energy centers… I saw it red and on fire… I pulled it up with my will. After an hour or so of this visualising, intending and dancing, I had red marks on my back following the path the serpent had taken, and my chest was also flushed in red. I was “ill” for the next few days. I could barely walk, my hips were so sore, not from dancing but from the kundalini burning through the first and second chakra areas. Anyway, I know this event would not have happened to me at that time if I had not been present willing it to happen.
So I thought I might resolve this apparent dispute somewhere in CC’s system, and I feel I’m beginning to.