
Lately I’ve had modest success intending energy to my main 7 chakras when I felt it was appropriate. In the Tensegrity book DJ mentions many smaller centers of vitality. Do you guys think he is talking about chakras or something else, because it’s got me thinking of learning the other centers for the reason of intending energy to them. Or do you think the magical passes trump the neccessity for that? Am I stepping outside of the teachings? What are our boundries as nagualist?

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5 Commentsto Chakras

  1. Merged dice:

    Have you heard of any of the theosophical books?

    I personally believe that reading outside material can be the perfect complement to many of CC’s teachings. There’s one book in particular that comes to mind…it’s “Chakras” by CW Leadbeater. I felt like the majority of the concepts coincide nicely w/ Magical Passes.

    I read “Chakras” when I was in the middle of “Magical Passes”. I felt like it help me get a better visualization of the energetic connections of my “aura” w/ the movements of the body and limbs.

    This helped me b/c I always felt that a strong visualization of the energies involved made the practice of Magical Passes much more effective for me.

  2. smellyfart dice:

    No, but I’ll check it out. Lately I’ve been feeling sensations in my body that I don’t remember ever feeling before, can’t hurt to try to find some sort of index. Visualizing the energy and projecting it outward is effective for me as well. Especially the energy center around the heart. Sometimes I begin to judge my perceptions to such an extent that I feel completely walled off. The one at the throat as well begins to close when I want to withdraw from my enviroment. So what’s up with the theosophical books?

  3. Merged dice:

    there’s a whole group called the theosophical society. “spirituality” (if you will) has always been my passion. I happened upon these books before I was fortunate enough to come across CC. The type of knowledge they put forth is somewhat (if not very) different than Carlos, but one is still able to find connections that allow them to agree. I also remember DonJuan telling Carlos that contradictions in the universe exist, so it wasn’t too big of a deal.

    I still consider Carlos to be the most profound “prophet” or man of knowledge of this age. My ethnicity is Spanish/Mexican, so I choose to practice Carlos’ teachings. A lot of the Mexican culture’s superstitious beliefs have derived from the practices of the shamans of ancient mexico. (Ever heard of someone curing one’s fever w/ an egg? or sweeping someone’s back w/ a straw broom before they go to sleep to help prevent nightmares? )

    Yeah, visualtion helps. I looked up a few diagrams of the human body so I could know exactly where the centers of vitality are. One example is when I’ve been eating bad; some of the magical passes really help out my digestion…more so when I close my eyes and try to get a clear mental image of the movement of energy around whichever centers in question.

    Hope practicing magical passes goes well for you. I can send you a couple diagrams if you like…

  4. joyseph dice:

    There are many, many chakras besides the seven “main” ones that are mostly discussed. Here is a picture I found on the ‘net that hints at some of the minor chakras:


    Look at these:


    Notice the sun and moon symbols in the liver and spleen locations for the Passes.

    Some pictures will admit that the chakras do not fall perfectly in a line along the median:


    I suspect that our western exposure to the ideas of the chakras is standardized, simplified, and watered down. What difference could it make? If you cannot actually SEE them, that is.

  5. smellyfart dice:

    Hope practicing magical passes goes well for you. I can send you a couple diagrams if you like…

    Sure, I would appreciate that. My email is