Darren Brown

Do a search for this guy on youtube. He’s amazing. He uses hypnosis and NLP
to manipulate people’s perception. I wonder how close this is to stalking. Sometimes I think very close. Basically, he’s an expert in psychology; he knows the human mind and can remove it’s securities and put other descriptions there.
He’s apparently a big hit in the UK. Check it out.

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12 Commentsto Darren Brown

  1. true dice:

    I’m not coming to any conclusions, but how can we know if there is any difference between the amazing events in CC’s books and hypnosis.
    Here are some similar events in Darren’s videos and CC’s books, just for pondering:

    1. In the “one-inch punch” video, D knocks a guy back without touching him, then does it from behind so he cannot be seen, but he is felt.
    Congruence: DJ hits CC on the back to send him into heightened awareness. Could that also not be a hypnotic cue, the slap on the back?

    2. In “erasing the sun”, D brings a guy to a location and tells him he can make the sun dissapear. They draw a circle in the sand and erase it, do it again, and before the third time he quickly induces hypnotic catalepsy, lays the guy down and waits a few hours for dark to come on, he changes the guy’s watch to show the same time as earlier and he brings him out as they draw the third and final circle. The guy believes the sun has dissapeared.
    Congruence: reminds me of watching the same leaf fall and making CC’s car disapear.

    3. In an episode of “trick or treat” D induces hypnotic catalepsy on this guy in a photo booth and then moves them on a plane from England to Morocco and has the guy wake up in this foreign place without the sense of any missing time.
    Congruency: CC is shoved by DJ and ends up miles away in another town.
    Also, did CC really jump off that cliff?

    (if you are familiar with hypnosis and nlp, any touching or sounds or stimulus to any sensory organ can be made a cue to enter hypnotic state/trance or sleep, depending on what you set up. I’m not saying they are, but there is no reason that these shoves and blows to the back are not hypnotic cues.)

    4. In “staring contest” D makes anyone feel very uncomfortable so they cannot win the staring contest.
    Congruency: Sacateca “dances” for CC and makes him very uncomfortable. S’s “dance” is EXTREMELY, EXACTLY like a specialized hypnotic induction technique.

    I’m sure there are many more congruencies. Again, I am not saying these are definitely instances of hypnosis, except for Sacateca’s dance – I’d bet on that one, but I’m saying hypnosis CAN explain many instances. And why should we exclude the possibility? Don’t these sorcerers come from a lineage of sorcerer/hypnotists? Isn’t that the black magician, one who influences another? Isn’t that the old seers who focussed on manipulating their fellow men? If you are familiar with hypnosis/nlp, you can’t deny the similarities. NLPers are terrific stalkers who know how the human being works and can influence them and change their perception of reality, often by touching and speaking (anchoring). I’m becoming more and more certain that DJ used similar methods with CC. I know we want to resist that because it turns “real” magic into trickery, but that’s what the human mind IS – a huge trick!
    Please familiarise yourself with some nlp concepts and watch some videos of Darren Brown before debating. And remember how DJ hooked CC from the beginning. What does it matter if we call it will or hypnosis?

    And do you know one of the two “creators” of nlp, John Grinder, has split off and formed another branch called “New Code” NLP which draws its inspiration from information theory and the works of Carlos Castaneda! I haven’t had time to check this out yet, but I will soon.

  2. true dice:

    I’ve been spelling his name wrong.

    Derren Brown.

  3. BratscheWarrior dice:

    Checked out some of his videos on youtube. Interesting. And a bit freaky.

    I checked a few sites dealing with New Code NLP, but i couldn’t find any mention of Castaneda. Where did you see this?

  4. BratscheWarrior dice:

    Never mind. Found something.

  5. true dice:

    I’ve been familiarizing myself with nlp. I really like it. From a nagualist perspective, it is very much about stalking, observing and altering behavior, and changing personal history by emphasizing resources you’ve had or used that serve you and de-emphasizing those that don’t. It’s quite simple yet very effective.
    As in the warrior’s way, nlp stalks oneself and others. To familiarize with the basic concepts and philosophies, if anyone’s interested, do a search on NLP presuppositions. In NLP, these “presuppositions” are not true or false, they are simply ‘useful’ – sort of like CC’s impeccability being not moral but energetically based.

  6. true dice:

    nlp also has an interest in stopping the internal dialogue in order to better observe ourselves and our surroundings, and to stop limiting beliefs that we self-talk about.

    One method to achieve this is to physically grab your tongue with your fingers, or stick it out and bite it, or, more subtly, just stick it to the roof of your mouth. Whichever method, hold the tongue still for a minute or two and you may find the ID quiets down. This is based on observations that the mind and body are linked systems and that as we ID, there are micro-muscular movements in the tongue – so if we stop the movements, we stop the ID.

    Something else to be observed is that, depending on what you want to achieve with the ID stopping, it may not need to be stopped. What I mean is, if you’re not going for inner silence but just have a bothersome dialogue, the judge or critic, going on, you can greatly influence this by simply altering some quality of the ID; it needn’t be stopped altogether for this purpose.
    For example, if you’re ID is telling you, perhaps in your mother’s voice, that you’re not good enough, simply alter the voice so that it sounds like Elmo, or John Wayne, or Curly from the three stooges, or whatever works for you. The voice can say the same words, but they won’t feel the same and you won’t have the same experience/reaction. Instead of feeling down and incapable, you may laugh and feel more confident.
    Try it. It’s easy.

    Much of our personal history can be altered in this way, not just with voices, but in changing certain qualities of the remembered experience. In nlp these are called sub-modalities. They refer to qualities of sensory items in your memory. This is based on the observation that ‘the map is not the territory’, which in CC means your description of reality is but one of a million descriptions. The description is not the reality/actuality, but our personal interpretation of it. We needn’t change actuality; we need only see other descriptions and our belief or view will be loosened and liberated and re-merge with chaos/infinity (one of a million instead of “mine” or “the truth”).
    Anyway, examples of submodalities are like…. well, first remember an event, then notice how your memory may be bright or dark, clear or dim, in color or black and white, near or distant… these are visual submodalities. There are also auditory and kinesthetic (feeling) submodalities, all of which, if you play around with modulating them, will alter your experience/description of the event.

    So, if you play with this a while, it’ll be apparent that we can stalk others too and, via establishing rapport – pacing and leading – we can alter their view of reality through suggestions of other submodalities, which will happen quite unnoticed by them. It’ll appear to them that they’re just having a conversation, but afterwards they won’t be able to feel the same about their issue.

  7. true dice:

    Oh yeah, another practice for silencing the ID is to simply give it a volume control.
    Listen to your ID, find or create/imagine its volume control,
    notice its normal present setting,
    turn it up and as you do hear the voice get louder,
    now turn it down and hear the voice get softer, quieter,
    now switch it off – all the way down.

    With a little imagination, you can find lots of uses for such a volume control device. I mean it needn’t be volume – apply it to visual and kinesthetic controls too.

    I used to dj, and on my mixer ther are lots of sliding controls. One would fade from one turntable to the other – one got quieter in direct proportion to the other getting louder. Well you can have these sliding controls for all sorts of things. If you’re on a date, you could de-emphasize her annoying personality while simulataneously emphasizing her good looks, or vice-versa. You can alter your own mood by sliding between a depressed or low-energy memory and a very high memory. Simply find/imagine the control in your mind and set it to the appropriate setting, the one that you find most useful for the task at hand.

    These low and high states can also be set more firmly by giving them anchors, but if you’re interested, just read more about it. I don’t want to give loose descriptions here and have you do it poorly.

  8. true dice:

    The ID examples, setting anchors, and much more wonderful info can be found at


    Start with the first tip and keep reading to learn lots of fun nlp stuff.

  9. BratscheWarrior dice:

    I also like the NLP concept. It does look like it’s based in stalking. Hmmm…’looks’ like it? What does NLP actually look like?

    The only thing about NLP that i don’t like is that it doesn’t acknowledge the existence of an assemblage point. i watched a few Derren Brown videos on youtube and if it is genuine, it seems like all he is doing is manipulating peoples assemblage point. i’m sure he doesn’t know it though.

    That link that you gave has some nice stalking exercises within each chapter. I’m gonna do them and see what happens.

  10. BratscheWarrior dice:

    i am SO doing this tomorrow!


  11. ensonar dice:

    The ID examples, setting anchors, and much more wonderful info can be found at


    Start with the first tip and keep reading to learn lots of fun nlp stuff.

    This is some really great stuff! Thanks for the link!

  12. DrakeWan dice:

    if you want to know more..

    Robert Dilts
    Richard Bandler
    John Grinder….

    If anything the use of NLP could be used to model nagualism, ..

    Combined as tools, one could do anything with both.

    Very advanced stuff.