English Dreaming

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dream a little dream

in my all my years of dreams i have never witnessed this before. once when i was maybe 7 or 8 i dreamt that i woke up late for school, then i actually woke up late for school only not as late as in my dream. about a week ago i dreamt that i was dreaming. i dont remember what it was about unfortunately. im just curious if this might have any sort of significance or if there are other places where i can research this topic. i would say that this dream led to my registration on this forum. any feedback would be appreciated. thank you.

The old nagual site.

Esensonar, this is a post for you. i think Jane from nagual.net should be banned from this site. As she was the one that ruined the whole of that Carlos Casteneda site :angry: :angry: :angry: , (which was really good.) now there is only this forum. Whilst i think youve done a good job, there is waaay too few people on here.

incidently, do you know, or does anyone know, for that matter, what happened to all the people who were on that site.


This isn’t necessarily about dreaming, but it is something I’ve been curious about for a while.

For a long time, when I have normal dreams, many times I see the dream reflected in waking life sometime within the next few days. Many times it’s just little things, sometimes it feels rather drastic.

One of the first times I noticed this was when I had a dream about a person I hadn’t seen in several years. The next day I randomly ran into this person while shopping.

Another example of something less drastic would be a night that I dreamt that I was standing on the front part of a small boat, and there was a huge spider’s “nest” made out of mud. The next day I found myself standing next to the front part of a boat and there was huge spider web with a spider in the middle attached to the boat. (I don’t normally hang around boats).

Also, sometimes I’ll dream something and then see it reflected in a film that I’ve never seen before, a day or two after the dream. For example, I dreamt that I was sinking in a swimming pool with a bunch of other people. As we were sinking I noticed that a guy next to me was masturbating. I could see his orgasm floating up as we all sank. The next day I watched “Y tu mamÃ?¡ tambiÃ?©n” for the first time. There is a scene in the film where two of the main characters were laying on diving boards next to the swimming pool masturbating. When one of them orgasmed, it showed a camera angle from underneath the water watching the orgasm hit the water and sink.

I assure you I do not consider myself “special” because of this. What I am feeling is that this may be more common than many people think. I think it may even explain “deja vu”. I also don’t in any way think that this implies that things are predetermined or anything like that. I do think that it shows that time can be viewed in a much different way that we are normally aware of.

What do you all think about this, and has anyone else experienced similar things?

Found myself a nagual man

In a normal dream I was in university and got disappointed about a professor. After him I met another one, and first there was several people lying on the floor going to have a sleep in a class room. Then it was morning and there was this professor only. I made kind of danced around making moves with a stick (from broom?) and then I tried to conversate with the man who was about to wake up. He started to be just as annoying as the first one, and I left him too.

Suddenly there was this young man (I was a young woman) who came with me to the cafeteria of the university. He was cute in the style I like in a man: boyish looking. Had dark hair and unshaven jaw. I said to him that I’m drawn to him and he has energy that holds me. I thought in my head that it would be kind of exciting to have a relationship where there would be no sexual “fullfilment” ever (because it ruines always everything!) All the time he acted innocent and like he would know nothing about any sexual flavor in our meeting, and so I said “have you been living in a monastery?” and left. I wasn’t mad or disappointed, although I was curious would he come after me. He didn’t.

There was some other things that happened in that dream but I try to make this all a short story… Anyway I woke up and felt necessary to write that dream down. I felt that that young man was kind of “my own Carlos Castaneda” and I was his “Florinda Donner-Grau” – although we weren’t actually them. We were our own interpretations about people like them.

After that I went to sleep and had quite annoying dream about an older woman who talked about sex to me and started to act much too fresh with me. I left her and went outside and saw naked women rolling over a street into a watery ditch next to the road.

And then I was aware. I guess it has been almost a year since the last time!

I looked down to my legs and saw that they were fat and I was having a skirt and high heel shoes. I tried to intent my legs thinner, no use. I was in the university again and I decided to look for my nagual man. I decided to call him Jean-Michel. I walked along the passages, there were many people there but I tried not to get into details. I touched the wall and I guess that was a major mistake, because soon after that I saw nothing, everything went black in my eyes. I tried to concentrate to feeling sensations with the walls, so that I wouldn’t loose my awareness.

Somehow I managed to get my vision back and I went outside. There was autumn and there were big leafy trees. And an odd big monster standing on the ground. It didn’t move and I’m not sure anymore how did it look like, but I think it was mostly a mixture of several animals.

I found “Jean-Michel”, although he looked different than in my normal dream earlier. I felt puzzled wether he was really him, and he looked me puzzled and obwiusly thought wether I’m me or not. He told me to kneel before him, and that was because he wanted to examine me somehow. He looked at me or my energy field or something like that, and I felt a bit sorry in my mind that I’m not really young (which is what I looked like in dream and in Dream). Not saying anything he stopped and went to a building nearby. I followed, and saw that in the building there were solders from the ages about 200 years ago. Jean-Michel was talking with one of them. Everything was in black and white, and I started to think am I really aware.

The Dream ended.


The funny thing is that lots of years ago I saw a (normal) dream where I got together with Jean-Luc Picard and his crew from Enterprise. Somehow Picard was also Don Juan, and after a dinner party he accepted me into his aprentice, although he felt puzzled about me somehow. I guess it was because I was a bit mad.

Of course I don’t believe that I’m actually Don Juan’s aprentice! And I don’t think there is any nagual for me, old or new. But it’s interesting how both of these dream-naguals are “Jeans”. I have nothing to do with French or France. (And come to think of it, in one dream where I was in a space ship having a kind of psychical test and saw “living toys”… After the test I went a bit mad and sang Alouette which is a French song.)

Lately I’m been feeling too much frustration and isolation to concider myself being satisfied to be a solo wanna-be witch. Maby this “my own nagual man Dream” is about that.


Partial awarness

Instances of partial dreaming attention can be just as fasinating as total attention, and for me, they are definetly more frequent. I thought it would be nice if we discussed them. Anyone?

Dreaming in teams/inorganic being

has anyone had an opportunity to dream with someone? has anyone made contact with any type of inorganic bieng while dreaming?

the messages between the lines of CC’s book intrigue me. one of the biggest for me is when Don Juan was explaining the different types of inorganic beings, he called the (third?) type dangerous and said they tend to hide behind family members that illicit emotional responses, he told carlos to avoid them at all cost. carlos described his encounter with them as “pure poisen”. Has anyone experenced this? Does anyone have any ideas as to what they might be?

The First Gate

I`ve been lucid dreaming for a long time but I`m new to Don Juans dreaming techniques.
I`ve had a go at looking at my hands in a dream quite a few times and have no problem with that or remembering what I`m supposed to be doing. When I start to look around “glancing” at different objects the imagery in the dream becomes clearer and a lot more intense but the images start to change (generally into vivid trees and vegetation) I find I am struggling to keep up with the changing and also the intensity makes me anxious and I feel like something is coming up behind me. The result is in a short space of time I become sidetracked and go into another state of dreaming where I`m not as aware (n hence unable to do any dreaming practices).
Does that make any sense to anyone?
Do I just lack energy?
Is there anywhere I can read about the techniques to use in the first gate in more detail?

Got Dreams?

i dreamt of a cereal bowl. i woke up trying to eat it. im told that until you become a dreamer the things in dreams are of little importance. got control?

Reality check

I for one have had a long history of lucid dreaming which I won’t go into right at the moment. However recently I decided to try to concentrate on my hands once more. I say this because I have had a ten year dry spell. Well it worked and I was where I was ten years ago.
Let me explain… In my dreaming everything is successive, that is I learn and remember past dreamings and where to go from there. I have advanced pretty far over the years and my next step was to see myself. Well I found myself in my bedroom looking at my sleeping body. I knew right then that it was me but I also knew that it was a shitty, poor quality dream and it ended soon thereafter. I haven’t concentrated on it since but plan to try again soon.
It seems to me that every time I get tired of the whole Don Juan thing and decide to give it a rest some new little nugget appears to revive my interest. This was a winner and I wonder if others have had similar experiences.


Something I have always been interested in are Not-Doings. Carlos and others have mentioned a few specific examples of not-doings in their books and lectures. Things such as tying your shoes from the opposite direction, walking backwards, acting like a barking dog when someone knocks at your door, or acting like an answering machine when someone calls you.

I believe some not doings can be for specific purposes such as la Gorda stuffing a sponge in her mouth to avoid eating. Also in the Eagle’s Gift, Carlos mentions that Silvio Manuel gave him some not-doings that involved being buried and harnessed. And others can be for no other purpose than to create cognative dissonance, such as don Juan having Carlos draw concentric circles in the dirt circling his house.

I know that not-doings generally can be of a very personal nature. But I’d really like to know if anyone out there would feel like mentioning some not-doings that they’ve come accross that may be of interest to others.